Ruth Anderson-Davis

 Supporting creatives, coaches, and conscious business owners, with deep inner-work for a real world impact.

About me:

I am a multi-creative, practitioner and coach.

With one foot in both the creative and healing arts, I create products and experiences that support coaches, creatives and conscious business owners that want to make the world a better place. I can help you release trauma, negative beliefs and limiting self-perceptions, so you can share your gifts and wisdom with more ease and confidence. The world needs your light and I’m here to help you shine.

Many of my clients are creatives, artists, writers, influences, coaches, therapists, authors, conscious business owners, or intuitive seekers that know the importance and power of doing the deep inner work. They know we are at a pivotal time in history and the time to heal what holds us back, is now. They want to contribute to making the world a better place through adding more beauty, art, truth, healing or wisdom and know that it all starts within. Whether you are early in your personal development journey or a thought leader looking to elevate, having someone hold space for you and your deep work can be transformative. 

I advocate for people pursuing the things that light them up and believe that we all have gifts to offer the world. As a multi-creative and radio played songwriter myself, I’m walking my talk right alongside you.

I believe that when we heal, it ripples out into the world, our family, community and ancestral lines. The same is true for when we share our gifts and message.

I am accredited and insured, and have advanced qualifications in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Matrix Reimprinting, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching, and Reiki (alongside other energy therapies).

My Approach:

I am qualified in several modalities and with a breadth of spiritual study which brings a holistic and multi-dimensional approach to my work. I enjoy blending EFT (emotional freedom technique/ tapping), Matrix Re-imprinting, NLP, energy-psychology, intuition, clinical hypnosis, emotional support and coaching with real world solutions to create bespoke transformational experiences.

I take a client led approach, in that we work on what you want to, how you want to. I will guide and advise, give you options, reflect and challenge where appropriate or invited, but the choice is always yours. I respect your journey and meet you where you are.

For those to whom it applies – birth trauma, pre-verbal, past life, ancestral and/or inherited trauma work are options too. 


What it’s like to work with me:

I am very relaxed and easy to talk to. You will feel seen, heard, and supported. You might laugh, you might cry but over our time together, the things that pain you, how you see yourself, the world and your place in it, will change for the better. You will transform on the inside and the outside world will respond. 


We will start by talking and getting an understanding of what you’d like to work on, then I will suggest options for how we might work together, you can choose which approach we take, which modality you’d like to try and I will then guide you through a transformational experience. If we have not met before, we will have a free twenty minute consultation to make sure we’re a good fit.


My Aim:

I believe that everyone has something to offer the world. The healthier and happier we are, the more able we are to share our gifts and be of greater service to those around us. By releasing trauma, negative subconscious beliefs that hold us back, and creating an action plan that supports our goals, we really get to see what’s possible for us and the world, while enjoy the process of creating a new reality.

I love what I do and find it the greatest honour to facilitate another person’s transformation. If you are interested in working with me, feel free to get in touch to find out more.


Based in beautiful West Sussex, U.K. I’ll be in the woods, the studio, or holding space for transformation.


  • Advanced (level 3) EFT Practitioner
  • Advanced Matrix Reimprinting practitioner 

  • Matrix Birth Reimprinting Practitioner

  • Master Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

  • Master Practitioner Diploma in Life Coaching

  • Master Practitioner Diploma in NLP

  • Reiki Master

  • Advanced Clearing Energetics (ACE) Practitioner

  • Law of Attraction Coach

  • Additional training in EFTMR for working with past lives, ‘tough cases’, allergies, and serious disease

  • B.A. Hons Degree (Music studies)

  • Psychology and Sociology studies
  • I am fully insured

  • I am an accredited senior member of the ACCPH. (Association for Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists). 

  • I am accredited by the EFTMRA (EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy).

What People Say
“Working with Ruth has been a truly magical and very healing experience. From the moment of meeting, whether in person or online, she creates a safe and welcoming environment; my feelings of comfort and of being wrapped in a warm bubble greatly helped me to uncover my limiting beliefs and face the issues I had buried for way too long. She has an inspired panoply of healing therapies to draw on and is incredibly intuitive as to both the vital issues and which would be the best modality to use for them. I always leave a session with Ruth having greater clarity, focus and uplifted in every respect, physically, emotionally and mentally.”
Katie, Therapist & Author, Sussex, UK

I thought I was going to work on anxiety and insomnia but the work we did had a much bigger impact. Not only has my anxiety massively improved and I’m sleeping much better but I’m more assertive now, my relationships have improved and I’m finally enjoying life one day at a time rather than rushing around like a headless chicken, feeling like I’m failing all the time. My vibe has completely changed! I seem to be ‘manifesting’ more opportunities since working together too. Thank you, Ruth!

Content creator and influencer, U.S.

"Ruth’s work resonated with me as she was very empathic at the same time as giving me a push when I needed it. She helped me regain my confidence and venture out to follow my true passions and to turn them into enjoyable and rewarding work. We used a combination of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting as well as coaching but I think Ruth’s deepest skills lie in her naturally intuitive nature. She has an uncanny knack of uncovering the best path forward”.
S.W. Trauma-informed Intimacy Coach, UK

After years of obstacles and self doubt, I’m finally recording the music I’ve been wanting to for years. I feel more like myself than ever before and have finally given myself the permission to be the kind of artist I want to be. Ruth’s encouragement and help in clearing the emotional baggage that was holding me back has been a massive contributor. It really helps that she is a creator as well and understands the challenges. It was fun too! I always assumed therapy would be hard work, well it was in places, but we also had such a laugh, I’d come away buzzing. Highly recommended!

Singer songwriter, London, UK

“Since the session there has definitely been a shift. I certainly feel differently about things. I don’t feel the need to be perfect. I like myself far more and I feel compelled to give things a go. I feel far more relaxed about things. Before the session I had no memories of me smiling as a child but since our session I can just picture me as a child smiling! I don’t know what you’ve done, but you’ve done a fantastic job! I feel great!”
Emma, Dating Coach, UK

I’d never done anything like this before and I’m not sure what I was expecting but I really enjoyed our sessions and feel much calmer as a result. I’m juggling my creative pursuits and family much better now. I see things that happened in the past in a new and much more compassionate way. It’s both powerful and subtle. You suddenly realise that things that would have bothered you before, aren’t now and life feels somehow easier. Apparently I much better to be around too – so thanks from my wife! 😉

Guitarist, Writer, Dad, Germany

I am an advanced EFT practitioner (level 3) who has additional training in working with allergies and serious diseases.

I have taken several advanced Matrix training courses including Birth Reimprinting and working with past lives.


I am an EFT and Matrix ambassador, qualified to give one-day introduction training. 



I am a senior member of the Association of Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists, and Hypnotherapists.

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