What the EFT is Tapping?

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Therapies

An introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting for Limiting beliefs and trauma, big or small.


Working with ‘Big-T’ and ‘small-t’ traumas.

Why both deserve our respect and attention.


EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can be helpful in releasing anxiety, stress, depression, low self-esteem, phobias, traumas, negative subconscious beliefs, grief or any past event you might need help moving on from along with ‘big T’ or ‘small t’ traumas.


Even physical conditions can sometimes have their root in the mental/emotional stress. Finding and gently releasing the root cause of emotional stress can bring great relief, healing and new perspectives to your life.


So what exactly is EFT and Matrix Reimprinting?


‘EFT’ (Emotional Freedom Technique or ‘Tapping’ as it is often called) has been likened to emotional acupuncture, without the needles. Based on the same ancient Chinese meridian system, it works by releasing blocked mental and emotional energy, allowing our body to return to its natural state of health and vitality.


Instead of needles we achieve this by gently tapping with our fingers on specific points on the body that relate to our physical/emotional energy systems called meridians, whilst focusing on and eventually reframing the issue or event.


The practitioner guides you through the process while you mirror them, tapping on yourself, or they can tap on you if you prefer. The simple sequence of tapping points we use, while tuning into the feeling or problem, allows the releasing of negative emotion and is both relaxing and up-lifting.


In this state we can gently explore the ‘source’ of the negative feelings and the attached unhelpful beliefs that may be re-triggering undesired issues (like anxiety, lack of confidence etc.) and holding them in place.

The source

The ‘source’ tends to be a memory or group of memories around a specific belief or theme of beliefs, created during a traumatic event, deep learning experience or early childhood.


These tend to fall into two categories – ‘Big-T’ traumas or ‘Small-t’ traumas.


Big ‘T’ Trauma

While Big-T traumas are more obvious and dramatic and of course require attention, healing and respect, small-t traumas can create just as much of a challenge for someone’s well being over time. They can slip in unnoticed and affect someone’s sense of self and the world around them in less obvious ways.


Big-T Traumas are the obvious traumatic events like accidents, assaults, abuse, war, or loss of a loved one. For example, if someone had been involved with an accident that was traumatic, as well as the troubling memories, they have created the belief that ‘the world isn’t safe’, or ‘bad things can happen at any time’, leaving them feeling constantly anxious or on guard.

Small ‘t’ Trauma

Small-t traumas, in contrast, tend to be the ones that we have accumulated during life and often childhood whilst learning about the world and our place in it, without the benefit of context or adult perspective.

They usually have their roots between the ages of 0-7 years of age, and can have a habit of showing up in increasingly significant ways as a noticeable pattern throughout our lives. Conscious memory of early childhood is not a requirement to work on these effectively.


Small-t events can in fact be very innocent and ordinary but depending on what we make it mean, can end up having a profound impact on our sense of self as we build evidence for the belief we created around it.


For example a teacher telling you off you in front of the class, an exhausted a parent that continually snaps or criticises, fallouts with friends, sibling rivalries, parents fighting. Any information that had been adopted in a distorted and unhelpful way that makes you think something disempowering about yourself or your place in the world.


For example: ‘It’s my fault’, ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m un-loveable’, ‘it’s not safe to be me’, ‘I don’t fit in’, ‘I’m no good’. The list is endless and personal to each individual.


Then, the next time something else similar happens, your subconscious (hypothetically) puts it in the same mental/emotional file. Over time this one little belief has enough ‘evidence’ to evolve into the way in which you see yourself, other people, and the world around you.


This can affect not only how you see and interpret life but also how you show up in the world and what you attract as a result.

The insidious danger of small ‘t’ traumas

Sometimes the people with seemingly few or no big-T traumas, delay getting help for mental emotional conditions because they hold a sense of unwarranted guilt or shame for struggling when they believe that their life has been ‘fine really’ (compared to some). Meaning they continue to suffer in silence longer.


The beliefs that we create over time as a result of accumulated small-t traumas are no less important or impactful than big-T traumas, just different. EFT & Matrix Reprinting can help gently release the pain of both.

Matrix Reimprinting

‘MATRIX REIMPRINTING’ is the process of adjusting the memory and negative beliefs once the source memories have been identified. The process is gentle and effective and we are careful to avoid any further upset.

The technique removes the emotional charge from the memory and with it, the active stress within your energetic system. We can then instil a more positive and beneficial belief (chosen by you) that better serves you, your physical health and your life as a whole.


So whether you have big-T or small-t traumas, whether you can remember your childhood or not, whether you have any idea what is at the root of your issue, EFT and Matrix reimprinting can be a wonderful help in releasing, healing and uncovering your best self.


For further enquiries get in touch and see how these wonderful techniques can help support you.


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